Load Bank Testing

Load Bank Testing

Load testing emergency standby generator systems is not only factory recommended but also a regulatory compliance within your local marker. Odyssey Power performs load bank testing to not only check the performance of the generator and confirm that it will not overheat or shut down when most needed, but also to test each component of the generator. This helps to identify and address any weaknesses on a granular level. NFPA 110 Code Requirement states that you must perform either a 2 or 4 hour load test (based on load requirements) on your emergency generator on an annual basis.

Load Bank Testing

Dangers of Wet Stacking

There is more to maintaining a generator than performing routine maintenance services. Many diesel generators are running at a small percentage of what they can actually support. As this occurs, fuel is not completely burned and passes on into the exhaust side of the turbocharger and on into the exhaust system affecting exhaust valves, turbocharger, and exhaust manifolds. This condition is referred to as “wet stacking”.

Continued use of the engine under wet stacking conditions can cause diminished engine performance, excessive fuel consumption, and even catastrophic engine failure.

Odyssey Power performs annual load testing to help guard against wet stacking and to ensure the generator can support and maintain the load capacity it was designed to handle. A separate load bank should be used instead of risking building load to perform the testing. We follow the standards set by NFPA 110 to ensure proper testing and compliance.

Our work spans all industries and project size. Take a look at our references and testimonials to see what our clients have to say. 

If you would like to know more about our load bank testing options or need a quote, please give us a call at (800) 675-4545.

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