Stop Band Aiding your Power Equipment

Stop Band Aiding Your Power Equipment

Just like people put band-aids on minor injuries and scabs, they often use a band-aid on power equipments too. Not literal band-aids, but short term patchwork to keep the equipment going. And this tactic can often backfire if not handled ASAP.  It’s of vital importance to stop band aiding your power equipment!

Band Aiding is Not Sustainable

All power equipment needs regular checkups and age-based replacements. When users neglect such necessary steps, they end up with long bills that are incurred due to major damage. In the world of UPS systems, band-aid fixes are just as precarious as in any other battery operated power equipment. 

Generators are also part of those vulnerable pieces of power equipment that are mistreated, and therefore, end up with irrevocable damage. 

Routine Maintenance

Generator maintenance and preventative UPS maintenance is supremely important for accident and failure free power systems. Users should get their generators and UPS checked on a regular basis and change the age-based components before their expiration date. 

The optimal service performance of UPS and generators depends on regular preventative checkups and age-based replacements. Neglecting regular checkups can impact the performance of your power equipment and lead to failure.

There are several ways of figuring out if you have left the quick fix on for longer than its expected lifespan. You need to be vigilant and keep an eye out for any alarming symptoms. Those symptoms can be in the form of: 

  • Beeping sounds from the battery
  • High temperature of the unit
  • Higher temperature around the unit
  • Unpleasant smells
  • Thermal runaway
  • Fire department visit
  • Building evacuation
  • Swollen batteries

If these signs are missed, chances are that you might end up with power failure in your estate. Things could get worse, and the building could catch fire. 

The purpose of UPS and generators is to supply buildings and empires with uninterrupted power when the original source of power is down. But just like power plants are maintained, generators and Ups must also be maintained. Their maintenance isn’t costly. However, stalling it can leave you with drained accounts. 

Always keep in mind that a UPS or generator can function only up to a certain capacity till a certain length of time. When you try to over work it, it might plod along but soon it would break down and that would not only be bad for your pocket but also for your safety. 


Batteries are probably the most vulnerable component in power equipment. The acid in them can cause the unit to catch fire. In some cases, things can get so bad that the fire might spread and set the entire area ablaze if not handled immediately. 

It’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s best to stop band aiding your power equipment by keeping your UPS and generators maintained and check them regularly. If you need more information on the topic, reach out to us at 800.675.4545.

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